

Hailing from the culturally rich city of Faisalabad that has turned into an industrial metropolis, Paracha Group is a family run business that holds dear the values of hard work, honesty and enterprise. It is with this visIon that our 2 main branches, Paracha Soap & Chemical Industries and Paracha Vegetable Oil And Ghee Mills. And the Brand that unites these two manufacturing giants is Commander.

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Commander is the brand that caters to all the essential needs of the average Pakistani family, from their beauty soap & dishwasher to their cooking oil and tea. Commander provides quality goods at affordable prices so that people can get the best value for money.

Not only that but the Paracha Group also has an extensive Commercial Products that are sold directly to business ranging from Flexible Packaging Solutions to Sodium Silicate.

A 100% Pakistani and home grown brand, Commander uses its products to make the life of its countrymen better. Not only that, but all of our communication and advertainment is aimed at promoting family values for the betterment of society as a whole.
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